Kisabeth Historical Review

Kisabeth Kisseberth Kisaberth Kissenberth Küspert Kispert  -- Reunion July 25th, 2015

Reunion    History    Book   Information  Newsletters


 Welcome to the Kisabeth Historical Review. This web page is a spin-off of our Family tree newsletter. This will not take the place of the newsletter but act as a supplement. The web is a faster way to update happenings of the Kisabeth - Kissenberth - Kisseberth - Kisaberth - Kispert - D'haene - Birchall and Kuschwert families. Yes that's some of the spellings that came down through the ages (and census takers). In these pages we will try to update you on happenings in the clan and the status and location of our Family Reunion and some excerpts from our newsletter.

 For more information:

 Annual Reunions
Meadowbrook Park, Bascom Ohio







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  Read about Leonhard Kisseberth and Castle Breuberg
Working on updating the page, Please view now and check it out.

  The Kisabeth DNA project.
We need Kisabeth, Kissenberth,Kisseberth,Kispert,Kusshwert,etc
to have their DNA tested for our project.


According to the archives of the Hessian State Chancellery, the city recorded 1408 first mentioned, were the words of Ortsvorstehers Joerg Seifert. Meantime, it should also church records Lorsch of the monastery, where an enclave in the year 1232 under the name "Kinzigtal" is designated, as it is in the low-Kinziger own book. It will not avoid the fact that the local council further research the right birth certificate in the coming weeks operates so that the citizens a true anniversary celebration in 2008.

Immigration 2008

Most of our readers are familiar with our Kisseberth immigration history. In future issues of our newsletter we are going to provide information on the immigration of our other surname spellings. We will tell of the arrivals of our Kispert, Kuespert, Küspert and Kissenberth families. Also if you have any specific information and/or stories of your family’s immigration please contact us.

Spelling Variations of our Name

                     Since the first written records of our medieval surname Küschwert appeared
                                              in the 1400's we have found 74 different spellings of our name

The book will concentrate on the origin of the name and have chapters on the descendents of the first settlers in America (Kisseberth). It will try to give the reader a view of the migration to America by our early forefathers.  A quick glimpse of the past will be in the first few chapters and then each of the original ancestors will have their descendants traced to the present. 

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You may not reproduce large portions of the text of the article without our express permission



 Check out DesignSmart Studios by Stephanie Kisabeth

 Gordon and Gerald Kisabeth email




Last Update 08/07/2016